Monday, April 15, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge: M is for Miscellaneous

I find it quite unnerving that someone as opinionated as Myself would find it hard to commit to an M topic.  Which made me think that I should write about My fear of coMMitMents which would be short as we know that I had no fear of commitments until the demon someone should just commit me! (Yes, I'm that hard up for Material)    

I considered writing about Marriage but I don't have a lot to say about that.  Mickey Mouse is always one of my favorites but secretly, I like Donald Duck more! And we're past the D's.  Then I thought about Mistakes as my topic.  I hate making mistakes but I love my mistakes as that's when I get all insightful and grow a whole bunch.  I was working up a Mistakes Missive when someone mentioned Mid-live crisis which I thought would be a really good topic too! I mean how many marriages have we heard about that crumble because of a mid-life crisis? I could get double the M points!!! But honestly, I was in a pretty good mood and didn't want to talk about mid-life crisis'.

Then I was thinking about when this guy I knew told me I was his Muse and gave me a poem he wrote about me.  Muse.  Then I started wondering where my Muse was because I still hadn't come up with an M topic and writing about muses really isn't much fun after a guy once called you his muse back when you had a 28 inch waist.  Then I started Missing my 28 inch waist and thought I could write about the things I miss the most.  Do I miss my 28 inch waist or being called a cute guys' muse more?

Martini's start with M.  I think I had one once but I don't remember liking it.  I like lots of things now that I never used to like.  Maybe I should got to Brios.  They have that Martini bar.  I may like martinis now.  Wasn't the name of the bar in It's a Wonderful Life called Martinis?  You know, the Movie where everyone says Merry Christmas.  Yes, I'm capitalizing random M words to aMaze you with my brilliant M skills (I apologize to Mla for destroying the written structure)

I realize now that I've just made you all spend several Moments in the Mind of Me pondering nothing but the Miscellaneous. Congratulations...if you haven't had a psychotic episode that is!! You deserve a Meritous Medal!

Christie AKA the Good Twin


(Greatest M EVER!!!)


  1. Way to use the letter M! ;)

    happy a to z!

  2. I'm going to pretend that you wrote about the greatest M of all!!!! *shakes head in disappointment and disbelief* Daffy Duck, really? Who's the greatest M Disney character EVER???

    1. Daffy Duck is Warner Bros and he was annoying. Donald Duck is Disney and he is hi-lar-ious!!!

    2. Fruedian slip - I meant to type Donald- but Daffy is way way cooler (and I'm still traumatized by that radio replay of Donald getting a BJ :(

  3. This post was Magnificent and May you find your Muse for the letter N. I really enjoyed reading this. Glad I came across your blog. I'm following.....

    A Dose of Jules

    1. Thank you Jules! I'm Christie, the Good Twin. It's nice to meet you!! :)

