Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge: O is for Oreo

I love cookies!! I'd do almost anything for a good cookie! My very first word was cookie! But we're past the "c"'s (unless I can get away with taking a bite out of the "o" to make it look like a "c"? No? Ok) so I'm going to write about the delectable and devilish Oreo!

I love Oreos! But like that bad boy in high school, they've hurt me many times through the years!  And try as I might, I always go back.  It started when I was around 4 or 5.  There was an open bag or Oreos sitting on the table.  No one was paying attention.  Score!! I licked the white creamy center out of every last one of those cookies!!  What little guilt I felt was not because I was opening the cookie, licking the center, putting the cookie back together and then back in the bag (no one had told me I was not supposed to do that).  I felt a little bad as I knew I was not supposed to be eating cookies without permission. I also felt a little bad because I didn't go get my brother to share in my great cookie find (like he would have shared with me...besides, this was a rare and limited opportunity).  Later that same day my Dad went for an Oreo cookie.  He was not pleased.

Dad - where are the creamy white centers?
Me - in my belly
Dad - why did you eat them all?
Me - 'cause they are yummy
(then I hung my head down, my pigtails lightly smacking my face)
Dad - don't do that again (Dad storms off)

I didn't understand why because the white creamy center was just so yummy!! But me enjoying the white creamy center made Dad mad so for the longest time I just ate the whole cookie.  Then I saw my little brother just eating the center and thought "well, if he gets to, I'm going to".  Which led to my next misadventure by Oreo cookie.

I had unscrewed the top of the Oreo cookie and was holding it in my left hand while I licked the white creamy center off the other half of the cookie...while I was dancing around doing the hokey pokey.  When you are paying more attention to the white creamy center of an Oreo cookie as opposed to doing the hokey pokey, you trip over the coffee table, bounce off the couch and bang your head on the end table while the coffee table simultaneously bites your knee (don't worry folks, the Oreo was fine).  After my Mom got done bandaging my knee and shining a flashlight in my eyes to make sure I didn't have a concussion (I secretly think she just liked torturing me with that flashlight thing) she created a "no food outside of the kitchen) policy.  I could no longer do the hokey pokey while eating a cookie.

Fast forward to college and the invention of (cue drum roll)

Twice the white, creamy filling!! And I was in college, I made the rules!! Remember my whole missing my 28 inch waist rant?  Double stuff Oreos folks! Expanding waist lines one creamy center at a time!  I knew it was time to break up with Oreo's once and for all.  So I did.  I was sad. 

Fast forward 5 years and I discovered, sort of accidently, that Oreo cookies make awesome pie crust! Seriously, I love to make a cookie pie crust out of Oreos...well, I love it now that I am past the trauma of smashing Oreo cookies with a mallet (creamy center and all).  Then I mix it with some melted butter and press it into a pie plate! I like to fill it with a mixture of melted white chocolate and cool whip! Or melted marshmellow, depends on what I have handy.

If you are not in a diabetic coma at this point, what do you like to fill your Oreo pie crust with?


  1. LMAO!!! Oreos are one of the few cookies that don't really tempt me (now offer me a Milano dipped in Bailey's and OMG say goodbye to the bag!)
    Oreos do make an awesome pie crust (I know this as you can buy them like that) I like them with a whipped cheesecake filling *drools*
    Love you!

    1. I can buy Oreo pie crust already made? I don't have to commit Oreoicide anymore??

  2. Oreo pie crust? Ready made or home made, must tell my cake baker daughter to make us one like that sometime soon, filled with, mmm I don't know, mashed banana and something else, perhaps. As an aside, my niece and nephew's dog is named Oreo as they loved the biscuits almost as much as you :)

    1. I would mash the banana and mix it with some cool whip! Maybe drizzle some caramel sauce on top!

      Aww!! Your niece and nephew have excellent taste!!

  3. Coffee ice cream, nuts and hot fudge for mud pie! :)

    1. Ymmm!! With a little cookie crumbled over the top for good measure!!

  4. LOL. I hope Oreos don't trigger the hokey-pokey incident - not a happy association. When we relocated from South Africa to the U.S., my husband sneaked a dozen boxes of Romany Creams into our hand he didn't expect to find cookies in America.

    1. Lol, I bet he was pleasantly surprised!! I loved Mrs. Fields cookies at one time too.

      I hadn't thought about the hokey pokey incident in years, then I had my was a rough resurfaced memory!

  5. My Oreo story - when I was pregnant with my first child, I got terrible cravings for them. One time driving home from work I had to stop at a Qwik Trip convenience store where I bought a package of Oreos and a gallon of Hawaiian Punch. I ate and drank for 20 minutes nonstop on the drive home. I was left with half of my stash by the time I got there...which was just in time to "toss my cookies" literally. It was a number of years before I could stomach them again! And Hawaiian Punch I never liked before that or after that.

    1. Wow!! So, does your first child like Oreos or Hawaiian Punch?

      I was once stuck at home with a bottle of vodka, a bottle of Fruit Punch gatorade and 1lb of Strawberry flavored Twizzlers...I'm ok with Twizzlers but I still can't drink gatorade

  6. I never buy Oreos. I usually buy chocolate chip cookies or vanilla wafers. Thanks for visiting my blog today!

    1. I love stacking chocolate chip cookies in a glass and pouring ice cold milk over them...yuummmm!! :) Happy a to z!

  7. Whoo! I had the same problem growing up. My dad also got really angry at my sisters and I for just eating the cream although that's my favorite part. He fussed at us for wasting food.

    I was craving some oreos yesterday, but I didn't have any to fulfill that craving. :( Alas...I am oreoless.

    1. No Oreos? That's so sad :( My kids don't eat just the creamy center. They eat the entire cookie. Sometimes I'm not sure they're mine ;)

  8. i like to make oreo truffles, they are just so tasty those damn oreos. i like how you just put the empty oreos back into the bag.

    never heard of making a pie crust with them, have to try that out. I like all oreo flavors the original, the minty the chocolate one...mhhh

    1. Where can I find these minty Oreo's you speak of????

      At Christmas time I fell in love with mint M&M's, yum yummm!!!

  9. My mom makes the best oreo cookie pies! Sometimes I like to put the whole oreo in my mouth and just suck on it and let the flavors melt away. I am odd i know.

    1. I do that with hershey kisses!! I'm such a chocolate snob normally, but there is something about a hershey kiss melting on the tongue that just makes me happy!! :)

