Friday, April 26, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge: W is for WOW!!

I've had so many WTF? moments this week.  Originally I had started writing about those WTF? moments.  Seriously, it's been a very rough week! In reflecting back, what I really started noticing was all my WOW! moments this week.  Like coming downstairs and seeing that my daughter had made me a cup of my favorite tea! There it was, just sitting on the table, waiting for me. WOW!

Sometimes I wish you all could see/hear the conversations Heather and I have.  There are about twenty levels of WOW! right there ranging from "WTF? you all are nuts!! to AWWW!! that's so sweet"!  I got to email both Heather and her sister this week..about tea!! That was a fun WOW! as they are both so much fun!!!
CW telling me that he loves me and always wants to be with me while rubbing my feet! Seriously, I've been an exhausted cray cray lately.  He should be running for the hills...possibly screaming a bit... not rubbing my feet and professing eternal love! WOW!

Aidan picking weeds for me.  To him they look like purple and yellow and white flowers. I know they are weeds.  Here is my sweet, sweet boy holding up these "flowers" he loveingly picked in the schoolyard..during recess...while all the other kids were running around (and he loves to run around too) he stops to pick flowers for me.  WOW!! Then I was looking at the flowers sitting in the glass of water.  I was running my fingers over them and remembering back to when I was a child.  I thought they were flowers too. I remember finding out they were weeds and deciding I didn't care because they were just as beautiful today as they were yesterday, before I knew.  Somewhere in the last 25 years I started thinking of them as weeds.  WOW! Thank you Aidan! Thank you for reminding me that it doesn't matter what the rest of the world calls them.  What matter is that they make me smile when I look at them.  I smile double at the ones he picked for me! WOW!

I chaperoned Antonia's field trip to Jamestown.  WOW!  Despite being so exhausted, it was fun! I always find it interesting to watch my kids interacting with their peers.  At one point Antonia broke away from her friends, walked over to me, wrapped her little arms around me and said "thank you for being here with us Mom".  WOW!!

What is one of your WOW! moments this week?


  1. So sweet. I love the playground hug and the weeds :) I had a Wow! moment when...damnit... maybe this week?!

    1. Lol! Was it a wine moment? I like those! What's the book you're reading this week? I'm looking for something new.

  2. I love that my youngest still wants me to do the field trip thing and come to lunch. Of course she is in kindergarten. The 3rd grader has outgrown that. But he's a boy, so I expected as much.

    I got to go to the zoo with my daughter's class and it's fun to watch them interact with classmates. I don't get to see that enough.

    1. Aww! Well, my daughter is in 4th grade and she even held my hand...for one minute...on the field trip! I know what you mean about not enough time. Most people want to be rich. I just want to have enough money so I can play laser tag with my kids all day!

  3. WOW moments are the most important moments! Also, I love this blog, you definitely have a new follower.

    Ashlee / Ramblings of a Silly Girl

    1. Thank you Ashlee! I love your blog!! My family is from New England so I've spent a lot of long weekends in NYC! You're awesome!! :)Christie

  4. Now I feel bad for griping about my week! ;)
    I did get a Wow this weekend- BIRT'S IN VA!!!! OMG, I can't wait to see her and Joanna!!!!

