Monday, April 22, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge: S is for Spice Merchants

is for
The purveyors of fine spices, wonderful loose leaf teas, sea salts, infused sugars, chocolates and so much more!

Once upon a time I had this little dream of owning a little shop.  I have such a passion for teas.

I love to bake, no matter what mood I'm in.

And sometimes, I just need something savory. 

Very first jar filled in Spice Merchants Fairfax

So I decided to open my own little store.  A place where you can find the exotic spice to finish any recipe. A place to find the perfect cup of tea.  A place where me and my family are ready to serve you!  It all started when I filled one little jar with one little spice.

And now I have a wonderful little shop, filled with amazing spices and teas!

Spice Merchants is my knowledge from yesterday, my passion of today and my hope for tomorrow! It's my little spot that I'd love to share with you!! I hope you visit us soon!!

Spice Merchants - Fairfax 10376 Main Street, Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: (703) 359-2425 Email:
Please follow us on Facebook:  Spice-Merchants-Fairfax


I try really hard to dial down the cray-cray on here, but Spice Merchants posted a pic on Face Book yesterday that made me want to lick my screen:

"Mother Nature reset Fall, so we did too" Spice Merchants Smoked Chili with some homemade cornbread! Delicious!"
"Mother Nature reset Fall, so we did too" Spice Merchants Smoked Chili with some homemade cornbread! Delicious!

The best way I can explain Spice Merchants is to say they are an affordable way to really pamper yourself. When you eat or drink something that uses high quality spices- it's suddenly awesome to be a grown-up again! ;) 

